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Saturday, August 28, 2010

IPOH FAMOUS FOOD..........Part 2

(Menglembu, Ipoh)
Lunch time..... We took our lunch in Menglembu - my bf hometown.
In the shop below have something nice that I wish to eat for some time d...
Guess wat!

The shop look old which believe to be build during British time.... but a lot of nice food in it.
This are the 2 dishes that we order from many many choice.
This shop famous Chu Cheong Fun (猪肠粉).
The boss is a twin "man" so it known as 孖仔猪肠粉

(Curry Chu Cheong Fun)
There are 2 type of 猪肠粉, I ordered the normal 猪肠粉,
there are another type that the 猪肠粉rolled with vege in it (有馅猪肠粉).
My bf 猪肠粉 serve with curry "pork skin" (猪皮) and some vege as shown.
Another food that totally different from Penang which we used shrimp paste (虾膏).

(Crunchy Deep Fried Prawn Cake)
RM1.00 per pcs
This prawn cake serve with some chili source.
It taste best when it still hot & crunchy.

After that we went to Menglembu Pasar to continue our lunch.....
Lok Lok
RM0.60 per stick
The foods is clean which everyone have their own satay source with a small plate.
The satay taste good......
After a few stick, we were satisfied & back home with full stomach.....

IPOH FAMOUS FOOD..........Part 1

(Ipoh First Garden Hong Kong Kopitiam)

3 days holiday again (Nuzul Al-Quran on Friday), this round go to Ipoh with my bf again. As usual we go for nice local food again. Below are some delicious noodles we took for b/fast
(Fish Head / Fillet Bihun)
This noodles cook with either fried fish head or fillet. You can choose any one of it.
The soup cook taste a bit sour due to the salty vege (咸菜), prum (酸梅) & tomato as u can see.
Again, my bf finish all the soup at the end... hehehe
(Curry Mee with roasted pork & chicken)
My bf told me this is Hainan Style Curry Mee, serve with some lime juice (in the spoon).
It's different with normal curry which it cook without coconut milk, but I still can feel that coconut milk in it. It's totally different with Penang Curry Mee.
No long bean, "ham" (蛤蛎), "pork blood" (猪血) & etc.

(Claypot Ee Mee with Egg)

Finally, found something familiar with Penang food - Claypot Ee Mee
It same with Penang, look & taste good too...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Who Steal My Vege?

Have you try GCB before?
Look nice from the photo....

The whole set of GCB with fries & drink....
Try to look at the burger....
Have u spot the difference from the photo??
We also didn't notice that
until half way....

No vege inside the burger...
Who steal my vege!!!!!
Why such thing can happen??
I want my vege back...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

How to be a better couple??

10 steps to enjoying each other better...

1. Be realistic about each other
Don't try to turn your partner into something he or she is not. Let's face it, guys. There is only 1 Pamela Anderson in the world. Give your gal a break and understand that her physical appearance is NOT going to change overnight with the help of a few facials or treatments. And ladies, Brad Pitt has already been taken, so you are gonna have to do with what your guy is like! Chill out, love each other for what you are. There is more to your partner than what meets the eye.

2. Always talk things out
Now guys, I know this is not your favourite pastime or mode of resolving issues, but you know what ? This works with the gals. Don't make assumptions about each other's feelings. Learn to express yourself better so that your partner understands what your are angry about, or hurt about, or even happy about ! When you stop talking to each other from the heart, it's the beginning of the end.

3. Do stuff together
Make an effort to do things together. Do some sports or involve yourselves in some shared activities; something both of you enjoy or are interested in. It could be as simple as watching movies together, or just strolling hand-in-hand down Orchard Road. Watch soccer with him once in a while though the green patch on TV puts you to sleep in 3 seconds. And guys, do give in if your gal asks for another day at window-shopping, rather than suggest that she go out with her girlfriends for "that sort of activities" instead. If you are spending more time with your friends than with your partner, it's a warning sign that you are drifting apart !!!

4. Meet each other halfway
If he agrees to throw out that rotten T-shirt with the "The Rock" print, you shouldn't kick up much of a fuss. If he asks you to keep your room tidy. There's got to be a little giving and taking in a relationship. So learn to meet each other halfway.

5.Show your love
Buy her flowers or candy or perfume every now and then. Even if you have been together for 5years. It's wonderful to continue showing someone that you care for him or her. Cook him a special meal, paint him a Valentine's Day card. Knit him mini-socks he can't wear ( like for decoration purposes). Buy him a packet of milk for breakfast, or pack his wardrobe for he knows you can still be romantic and loving despite having been together for quite a while.

6. Respect each other
Stop making jokes about her hair or skin, or whatever it is you love to laugh at. Ask yourself if she thinks its funny. And if he has an inferiority complex about his height, stop ogling at tall guys and make him feel worse ! Love is about respecting each other's feelings and being sensitive to each other at all times.

7. Bury the past
Stop bringing up the past. Gals...don't bring up the happy things about you and your ex to your guy. It would just make him jealous or unhappy. And guys, don't talk about the happy times that you had with your ex or mention about her in your every other sentence as it would make your gal feel unhappy and she might think that you are saying all this because you are going to get back with your ex or not interested in her anymore.

8. Sit on your jealousy
All of us go through spells of insecurity at the beginning of the relationship, but don't translate that insecurity into jealousy. If you are going through your partner's mail and cupboard, and eavesdropping on conversations, you know something is wrong - with you !!! Jealousy is like a poison that slowly spreads through the relationship before finally killing it. Trust your partner; love has to have trust in it.

9. Keep your commitments to each other
If your partner is standing you up all the time and cancelling dates and breaking promises, you need to talk ! If you are in a relationship, make your partner your priority and don't disappoint them if you can help it. It's really terrible when someone promises to take you to dinner, and then calls to cancel it. Don't make promises you can't keep. If your partner starts to feel that he/she is not important enough to you, you may just lose him/her.

10. Be honest
Honesty is not scowling at how awful she looks first thing in the morning, or telling him that he has the biceps of a fly ! When we say "be honest", we mean expressing your feelings clearly, not being bitingly cruel. When you are hurt, say so, and when you are angry, tell him/her, without getting hysterical. If you can't be honest with your partner, who can u be honest with ? Love is also about honesty, and a relationship where no honesty exists probably isn't worth it !

Saturday, August 14, 2010


十二星座的完全震撼排名-Part 1

最会撒娇:巨蟹座 双鱼座 狮子座 白羊座 射手座 金牛座 处女座 天秤座 魔羯座 水瓶座 双子座 天蝎座

最想结婚:巨蟹座 双鱼座 处女座 金牛座 魔羯座 狮子座 天蝎座 射手座 天秤座 双子座 白羊座 水瓶座

最负责任:处女座 魔羯座 天蝎座 金牛座 狮子座 巨蟹座 双鱼座 白羊座 天秤座 水瓶座 射手座 双子座

最易爽约:双子座 天秤座 狮子座 白羊座 水瓶座 双鱼座 巨蟹座 金牛座 射手座 天羯座 魔羯座 处女座

最佳情夫:双子座 射手座 天蝎座 狮子座 天秤座 双鱼座 金牛座 水瓶座 巨蟹座 魔羯座 白羊座 处女座

最佳情妇:天蝎座 双鱼座 双子座 水瓶座 射手座 处女座 狮子座 魔羯座 巨蟹座 天秤座 白羊座 金牛座

最佳情人:双鱼座 天蝎座 巨蟹座 天秤座 双子座 金牛座 狮子座 处女座 射手座 水瓶座 白羊座 魔羯座

最黏情人:巨蟹座 处女座 双鱼座 天蝎座 金牛座 白羊座 狮子座 魔羯座 水瓶座 双子座 天秤座 射手座

最擅长追女友:白羊座 狮子座 天蝎座 魔羯座 金牛座 射手座 巨蟹座 处女座 天秤座 双子座 水瓶座 双鱼座

最容易意乱情迷:白羊座 狮子座 射手座 双鱼座 天秤座 双子座 巨蟹座 处女座 天蝎座 金牛座 魔羯座 水瓶座

最竭尽心力对你:双鱼座 天蝎座 狮子座 巨蟹座 金牛座 白羊座 射手座 魔羯座 处女座 天秤座 双子座 水瓶座

谁追求攻势最强:白羊座 狮子座 射手座 麽羯座 金牛座 双鱼座 双子座 巨蟹座 天蝎座 水瓶座 处女座 天秤座

最容易坠入情网:白羊座 狮子座 射手座 双鱼座 天秤座 双子座 巨蟹座 处女座 天蝎座 金牛座 麽羯座 水瓶座

最容易喜新厌旧:射手座 白羊座 狮子座 天秤座 水瓶座 金牛座 双鱼座 双子座 天蝎座 巨蟹座 处女座 麽羯座

最会保护女朋友:天蝎座 麽羯座 巨蟹座 白羊座 金牛座 狮子座 处女座 双鱼座 天秤座 双子座 水瓶座 射手座

最有情调的情人:双鱼座 天秤座 双子座 天蝎座 水瓶座 射手座 巨蟹座 处女座 白羊座 狮子座 金牛座 麽羯座

最容易情人眼里出西施:双鱼座 狮子座 天蝎座 白羊座 金牛座 巨蟹座 射手座 双子座 天秤座 水瓶座 魔羯座 处女座

最易追求难追的女孩:狮子座 处女座 魔羯座 水瓶座 射手座 天秤座 白羊座 金牛座 巨蟹座 天蝎座 双子座 双鱼座

最不会拒绝女孩追求:双鱼座 狮子座 白羊座 巨蟹座 处女座 双子座 水瓶座 天秤座 金牛座 射手座 魔羯座 天蝎座

最易陷入爱情的泥沼:天蝎座 双鱼座 巨蟹座 白羊座 狮子座 魔羯座 射手座 水瓶座 天秤座 双子座 处女座 金牛座

最容易吃醋的情人:天蝎座 处女座 金牛座 狮子座 巨蟹座 白羊座 双鱼座 魔羯座 双子座 天秤座 水瓶座 射手座

电话簿女生电话最多 :魔羯座 双鱼座 白羊座 射手座 处女座 水瓶座 巨蟹座 狮子座 天蝎座 天秤座 金牛座 双子座

星座男孩深情排行榜 :巨蟹座 金牛座 双鱼座 狮子座 处女座 天蝎座 魔羯座 白羊座 射手座 天秤座 水瓶座 双子座

谁最爱参加交友活动 :天秤座 狮子座 水瓶座 双鱼座 处女座 金牛座 巨蟹座 白羊座 魔羯座 射手座 天蝎座 双子座

最浪漫:双鱼座 狮子座 天秤座 白羊座 水瓶座 处女座 巨蟹座 金牛座 天蝎座 射手座 双子座 魔羯座

最色:金牛座 天蝎座 白羊座 双鱼座 巨蟹座 狮子座 魔羯座 射手座 处女座 双子座 天秤座 水瓶座

最深情:巨蟹座 金牛座 双鱼座 狮子座 处女座 天蝎座 魔羯座 白羊座 射手座 天秤座 水瓶座 双子座

最注重外表:处女座 金牛座 天秤座 双鱼座 水瓶座 白羊座 狮子座 天蝎座 射手座 巨蟹座 魔羯座 双子座

最重视朋友:双子座 射手座 处女座 双鱼座 白羊座 狮子座 天秤座 水瓶座 金牛座 巨蟹座 天蝎座 魔羯座

最容易受诱惑:双鱼座 金牛座 双子座 射手座 巨蟹座 白羊座 天秤座 处女座 狮子座 天蝎座 水瓶座 魔羯座

最欢集体出游:天秤座 狮子座 水瓶座 双鱼座 处女座 金牛座 巨蟹座 白羊座

最重视特殊日子:处女座狮子座 双鱼座 天蝎座 魔羯座 金牛座 巨蟹座 双子座 天秤座 水瓶座 白羊座 射手座

最美丽: 1.天秤 2.水秤 3.双子

最佳太太 :金牛座

最博学: 1.金牛 2.处女 3.狮子

最佳母亲 :巨蟹座

最富有: 1.山羊 2.天秤 3.天蝎

最佳保姆 :双鱼座

最专一: 1.金牛 2.天蝎 3.巨蟹

最佳杀手 :天蝎座

最活泼: 1.白羊 2.水瓶 3.射手

最佳丈夫 :金牛座

最爱洁: 1.处女 2.天秤 3.魔羯

最佳父亲 :狮子座

最贪吃: 1.金牛 2.天秤 3.巨蟹

最佳法官 :天秤座

最贪玩: 1.水瓶 2.白羊 3.射手


最懒惰: 1.天秤 2.金牛 3.巨蟹


最自大: 1.狮子 2.白羊 3.天蝎


最佳厨师 :金牛座,天秤座



最容易嫉妒: 1.金牛座 2.天蝎座 3.处女座 4.射手座 5.白羊座

愿望最容易实现:1.水瓶座 2.白羊座 3.双鱼座 4.狮子座 5.双子座

最佳组合: 1. 天秤 + 狮子 2. 金牛 + 巨蟹 3. 双子 + 水瓶

容易嫉妒 : 1.金牛座 2.天蝎座 3.处女座 4.射手座 5.白羊座

星座最怕水瓶座 —

最怕没有心灵自由双鱼座 —

最怕现实压力白羊座 —

最怕输给别人,怕失败,怕无聊金牛座 —

最怕改变,怕饿双子座 —

最怕落伍,怕别人有自已没有巨蟹座 —

最怕没安全感狮子座 —

最怕没面子处女座 —

最怕犯错,怕被批评天秤座 —

最怕孤单,怕没朋友天蝎座 —

最怕别人背叛他,怕没权威射手座 —

最怕失去行动自由,怕被叮咛魔羯座 —


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Speical Feel.....

You all guys & gals have this feels???
If yes, I tel u that you are fall in love...
Is sweet for this feelings....
Just try to look it la...










Saturday, August 7, 2010

Dinner @ Who's Bryan Cafe

Makan trip again... Who's Bryan Cafe
Located at Raja Uda
Another western food restaurant that recommended by frenz with a few signature dishes...
Guess what this is??? Look like a poster, right?
Actually is the front page of their menu.
The environment inside.....

Who's famous mushroom soup with few pcs bread in it....
1 of the famous thing for my bf....

My favorite main course - Fish & Chip
Noted that special promotion for this on every Wed
RM7 ++ per set only... almost half price

Another signature dish - Who's Crumbly Chicken......
We love this a lot...
It is very crunchy which the drumstick cover with cornflake
with some mushroom source


Another interesting place with delicious Thai Foods....Little Genting

This place located at Bukit Genting , Balik Pulau.
It took about 15 min from hill foot to restaurant..
It's a restaurant up hill with cold & windy weather plus beautiful scenery
If u are lucky enough, u can see the sun set there ^_^

This is the place that we celebrate our first anniversary

We ordered 4 dishes for our dinner
omelet, deep fried kangkung, "keng som" fish & belacan chicken...
Only 2 dish r shown here
it's because we very hungary, so start eat already.. hehe

At there, we can see the whole view with paddy field & sea view
It's very beatuiful..

I really happy on that day....
This is our 1st time there, I'm sure that there will be 2nd, 3rd ...... times again..

Friday, August 6, 2010





前日往回家的公車上,轉程靠站時,乘客頓時多了起來。 一對上班族男女恰巧在我身邊,吸引了我的目光。 可能因為人多,男的不時地將手臂圍住女的, 並輕聲的問「累不累?」「待會想吃些什麼?」 只見女的不耐煩地回答 「我已經夠煩了,吃什麼都還不先決定,每次都要問我。」男的一臉無辜的低下頭,而後說了令我印象深刻的話。「讓妳決定是因為希望能夠陪妳吃妳喜歡的東西, 然後看到妳滿足的笑容, 把今天工作的不愉快暫時忘掉。我的能力不足, 妳工作上所受的委屈我沒法幫妳,我所能做的也只有這樣。」女的聽了後,滿懷愧疚的說聲對不起。 男的這才似乎重燃信心般說:「沒關係,只要你開心就好。」 而後親吻了女的頭髮。

下車前再回頭看看這對情侶,男的依舊保護著心愛的人。這樣的情景, 讓我覺得自己今天同樣在工作上有些許不愉快, 如果沒有聽到這一段對話,回家後的我,可能也是一副全世界都對不起我的臭臉面對心愛的人, 只在乎自己的委屈, 卻忽視對方的感受, 不自覺地傷害最親密的人。 所以在踏進家門時,我問自己, 難道我要像公車上那位女孩一樣忍心 將自己的不滿委屈帶給身旁的人嗎? 不,我想我現在應該做的是...別再把工作上的情緒發洩在心愛的人身上,破壞了最親密的關係,並且主動給自己一個微笑。

相遇,不是用來生氣的!說得真好! 當自己快抓不住情緒時,想想這句話, 應該會讓煩忙的生活,加些微笑的因子吧!同樣地,在日常生活中,我們牽掛得太多,我們太在意得失,所以我們的情緒起伏, 我們不快樂。在生氣之際,我們如能多想想︰「我不是為了生氣而工作的。」「我不是為了生氣而教書的。」「我不是為了生氣而交朋友的。」「我不是為了生氣而作夫妻的。」「我不是為了生氣而生兒育女的。」 那麼我們會為我們煩惱的心情闢出另一番安詳 看完之後…當你和朋友..家人爭執時… 要記得你們的相遇…不是用來生氣的喔… 但...人非聖賢... 誰能不生氣呢…

看了這篇文章以後…記得.....下次要生氣時…就別生太久… 免得傷心、傷肝、傷腎又傷腸胃…

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Delicious Prawn Mee..

Penang Famous Food -- Prawn Mee (Hokkien Mee)....
New opening at Food Court Taman Sentosa Bukit Mertajam

The map of the place...
Somewhere near BM St. Anne Church

That sign board of Super Prawn Mee...
Remember stall 14....
open daily from 6pm until finish

Is nice....delicious....reasonable price
I went twice in this week already....
Tell you 1 secret, new opening add mee no extra charges....
Try it out, u will love it...^_^

nuffnang ads